Monday, October 22, 2007

Improvement in Iraq?

I'm not sure what to make of Michael Yon. I have a generally positive opinion about the guy even though he strikes me as playing primarily to a conservative audience. I have little evidence about him, though, so all I'm doing here is noting that I have little real evidence about his credibility.

At any rate, here he argues that things are going much better in Iraq than people think in the U.S.--though he spends much of the time railing about how the MSM is misinforming us about the situation over there. Anyway, this strikes me as weird given that I am under the impression that things are going the MSM doesn't seem to me to be doing that badly on that score. One of his objections is that most of us are thinking in terms of what was, in fact, going on last year. That may be true, but, if so, it's probably an effect that works both ways. It seemed to take a long time for people to realize how bad things were going, and so one should expect that there'd be some lag time before improvements would be widely recognized. So his suggestions that the MSM is, in effect, concealing improvements from us seem dubious to me.

At any rate, I'm more interesting in the battle for Iraq than I am in the domestic battles about the MSM. So here's hoping that Yon is right.


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