Friday, February 03, 2006


From the Guardian; Drum is on it.

Hey, guess what? Bush had decided to invade Iraq even while he was telling us he hadn't. Weird, huh?

Um...painting a plane with UN colors in hopes they'd shoot it down? Jesus. Maybe we should have dressed it in a Polish uniform and claimed that it tried to invade us...

Has the United States ever been 1/10th this humiliated in recent memory? I guess you could argue that us high-tailing it out of Beirut after the bombing of the Marine barracks...or maybe the Iranian hostage crisis if you squint really hard...

Never before in my lifetime have we looked like a bunch of moronic warmongering shitheads.

Washington, Jefferson, and Madison are spinning in their graves at exceptionally high rpms.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's weird is that anyone - anyone at all - thought that the decision to invade Iraq wasn't a done deal back in August of 2002.

That's what boggles the mind. The fact that Drum and others were bamboozled into supporting the war doesn't make it any less weird.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'll cop to believing it. Maybe it's because at the time, there wasn't quite yet all the other inductive indications that Bush was F.O.S. on just about everything.

To me, the Congressional resolution and Bush's saber-rattling actually achieved the new inspections program. Maybe Hussein would have allowed them anyway, I don't know. Anyway, it was when Bush went ahead despite the inspections not finding anything that my BS detection meter got pinned, FWIW.

4:25 PM  

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