Monday, December 19, 2005

Still More Irrelevant and Dishonest Rationalizations for the Wiretaps


The short version:

Q: Isn't this illegal?

A: We have to move FAST to stop the terrorists!

Q: But can't you get retroactive warrants?

A: Yes, but we have to move faster than that! The president's approach allows him to actually act so quickly that he travels backward in time to thwart the enemies of freedom!

Q: Since the president has non-zero mass doesn't that violate the laws of physics?

A: The president was granted the authority to violate the laws of physics by the authorization to invade Afghanistan.

Q: Doesn't that not make any f*cking sense whatsoever?

A: We cannot discuss any aspect of this or any other matter because it will compromise national security.

Q: How come you guys are perfectly willing to talk about such matters right up to the point at which your bullshit becomes so painfully evident that even a very young wombat could see through it and then you invariably play the national security card?

A: Guards! Off with his head!

Q: Isn't summary execution illegal?

A: It's not illegal if the president does it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, it has been obvious for some time that we no longer live in a nation of laws. The Bushists care about law only so far as it serves their power.

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a way that "can't get approval fast enough" could be true: if the wiretaps are an automated voice recognition and email data-mining program, then it would be literally impossible to get warrants 72 hours after the data were collected.

I'm betting that there's such a broad data mining program in progress. The entity involved isn't the CIA, it's the NSA, and that's their baliwick.

12:41 AM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

wow, very interesting point, mac.

I have a friend in the CIA and when I mentioned the NSA to her a couple of years ago she paused and then said "those guys are *really* sneaky."

6:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mac's theory could well be true, especially since it assumes another lie from the Bushists, who claim they're only tapping international communications.

Something has to explain why FISA's constraints, which are no stronger than a spider web, are still to strong. Too much volume works. Cover for domestic political spying works. What else?

3:15 PM  

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