Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Joe Wilson Speech Makes Splash in the Rightosphere

Via Instapundit we find this at Gateway Pundit.

It may be significant, but I don't get it right off the bat.. Apparently there are two things Bush/Cheney/Rove/Libby defenders find significant here:

[1] Wilson thought that the war was a stupid idea
[2] It was public knowledge that Wilson and Plame were married.

I don't see how either of these things is relevant, but I may just be missing something. I guesss that [1] is supposed to indicate that Wilson wasn't objective? No, that's completely irrelevant. I dunno. What am I missing? Is the point supposed to be that if Wilson was non-objective (something which, incidentally, is in no way indicated by his opposition to the war) then it was permissible for the administration to attack him and out his wife? That can't be what Insty et. al. are thinking, so what is it?

And unless I'm completely confused about what's going on, [2] is even less relevant than [1]. No one thinks that there was anything wrong with telling people that Wilson and Plame are married, do they?

What the heck is going on here? Why is this speech supposed to be significant? [Note: genuine request for information, not snide pseudo-bafflement.]


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