Saturday, June 12, 2004

George Bush, Moral Relativist?
A Wee Poll

Via the estimable Statisticasaurus Rex comes our question: Is George W. Bush a moral relativist? It is, I believe, W's re/actions re: Abe Ghraib/Torturegate that S. Rex has in mind. I don't want to say too much about this before getting (I hope) some feedback, but I believe that the issue is raised because (a) there is the suggestion that one set of rules is to apply to Americans and another set of rules to others and (b) the President gets to make up those rules.

I'm not going to weigh in on this yet, but I'd sure appreciate it if you all would. Even the briefest of comments in response would be appreciated. Needless to say, this is not what you'd call a scientific poll...but some feedback is better than no feedback. Even 'that's a stupid question' would be appreciated...


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